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Marilyn Mosby convicted of perjury recharges lated to financial misconduct.

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Mosby lied about business finances to access retirement funds, using them to buy homes in Florida.

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Federal jury convicts Mosby on two counts of perjury after a trial.

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Marilyn Mosby convicted of perjury recharges lated to financial misconduct.

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Mosby gained national recognition for prosecuting police officers after Freddie Gray's death in 2015.

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Mosby withdrew $90,000 from Baltimore's deferred compensation plan during the pandemic.

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Separate charges of mortgage fraud are pending against Mosby.

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Mosby falsely claimed her business suffered due to the pandemic.

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Mosby's defense argued her right to withdraw funds for personal use.

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Mosby's case reflects a complex mix of legal, financial, and public image challenges.